Friday, April 14, 2006

SPOTTED/By my kitties.

No matter what I do, or how quietly, or stealthly I think i'm doing it,
they know, they wait. I don't know how many times i've told pinky
and cc [short for calendar cat], not to light candles when i'm gone.
But you know cats, they pretty much do as they please. I did this in Jan.


Anonymous said...

I like your art. It is very unique

pepper cool illustration said...

very nice watercolor effect. Also like the moody lighting.

Kim de Young said...

gotta love those critters... now if we can just teach them to clean house...

your painting is so calm and moody, nice choice of lights and darks.. very appealing

Teri said...

So like those cats to do whatever they want!! I love this!

isay said...

i like the atmosphere!

valerie walsh said...

this is wonderful! i knew they were up to something!!! love this!

The Unknown said...

Beautiful illo.
I would be happy if the cats would just stop smoking cigars in the house.

Anonymous said...

It's very full of feeling!
I like it

Junior Polanck said...

I have to include your blog in my blog links. You really have an interesting blog!

Powpourri said...

Beautiful. Wonderful use of darks in this. Brandi

Joy Eliz said...

Beautiful! I love night-time pictures.
And yes those cats just do as they please - hee-hee!

Katili said...

Great illo, you have captured just the right feeling of the cats being alert. Awesome shadow dancing with colours, wov ! I have experienced the same, I have just felt the cat fast asleep by my feet and suddenly, there he is on my night table watching quietly.

Heartful said...

Cats, gotta love em. Love the shadows in this.

Janet said...

I love everything about this!

Lou said...

This is great! I can't help but smirk everytime I see a cat drawing because I keep think of the Robin Williams 'Pretty Kitty' skit. If you haven't seen it, do yourelf a favor and rent his recent stand-up show. Very funny.

Anyway, but to the subject at hand. I love the mood you set with this. Very mysterious, just like a cat. Sneaky even. Great job!

franhilz said...

very original
reached atmosphere

I liked a lot

Rectite23 said...

This is beautiful. I really like it!

Anonymous said...

oooh spooky kitties! but hee.. gotta love the dark!

i love your paintings! ^_^ huggss

(strange word verif- "vdrugf")

n. said...

i like your pictures very much! are you drawing freehand or painting over photos with effects? very mysterious results, however you do it...

HARDWAX said...

Thanks dor your comment natialove, these are digital originals, I don't paint over photographs and almost never take my ideas from photographs.

Braidwood said...

I like the sense of the cats watching and being independant in the night.

Lori Witzel said...

Hah!!! Mine just order anchovy pizzas. Lovely witty caption and sweetly-lit post.

kate said...

Hey very nice, love the lighting on this. :D

modroom said...

Like the atmoshere of this. Cosy and cat mysterious. Cats can do anything, they just choose not to a lot of the time.

carla said...

Gorgeous light and dark, and wonderful feline figures too! Yep, they do as they please, but we wouldn't have them any other way!

MjM said...

I can't believe someone else has a Calendar Cat!

Okay. Maybe it's not that hard to believe. Still - We used to have a pair of domestic longhairs who were so cute together, we used to refer to them as the "calendar cats". Their names were actually Eggman and Walrus.

(Nice illustrations, too. I really like the western ghosty one - spooky!)


Jaimie said...

this is so unique. I love the quality of mystery