Thursday, June 07, 2007

your paradise


carla said...

You really have such a way of making the viewer question...what is happening? This painting has an eerie feeling, almost sinister. Perhaps it looks a paradise ironically? Whatever your intent, I move that it's open to speculation. It makes us think! Great piece!

AndyDoodler said...

If we're lucky, the pieces of paradise in our reach, on the same side of the fence, have been realized by us (and vise versa), and will unconditionally, patiently be with us forever- the pieces that can help us face what we fear most- or at least help push it into the background.

Or it could be the woman is just trying to catch her pet parrot that escaped...
You paint poems. Beautiful Miri!

° said...

And here i thought her mom was abducted by aliens or maybe the moon is full or shes just happy to see the stars, anywho it leaves u wondering nice work.
thanks miri for ur post

studio lolo said...

Your paradise...where we think the grass is always greener, perhaps? Or maybe she's dilusional and her family sadly stands by helpless. But she does seem to be reaching for something just beyond her grasp. I can relate to that. Your pieces of art are so much fun to disect and figure out!
Thanks for the comment. I'm too old too, at least to ever bring that paradise to fruition. Too old and too broke. It's beyond my grasp.

Janice Ykema said...

I can see you.. painting... and us giving meanings you never intended to your paintings.... but for me that is what is cool about it...
Here is my story....
This is double sided.... its about someone reaching for the stars, ( i can relate to that), but they are on their own... The question is... is 'she'on her own because they will not help? or because she doesnt know how they can help or how to involve them so they understand, or because they will simply "never" understand and she wants to leave them behind and simply not see them there?

The other story? This is a female nightie.. cat burgler....

HUGS... really enjoy your work.. keep up the good work.

steve said...

I won't try and interpret this--just simply look and enjoy. :)

Twisselman said...

Okay, had to get my wife's opinion... she thinks, as was my first thought, that this woman (the mom? or older sister? in her nightgown?) is reaching for the stars...
But then there are the two watching folks... hmm... Possible that someone is trying to leave an unhappy (unfulfilling) situation.
Steve's got a point... just take it in and contemplate.
As always, really like your color palette... shades of mauve, I think? I'm bad at identifying colors.
Peace to you and the mysterious female person.

isay said...

i like the lighting and the shadow ..i guess she is reaching out on something-her own meaning of paradise.

i always look forward to your paintings because i get to see whatelse is happening during the night....

Janice Ykema said...

ps: I hope you put your art, in shows and exhibit them. They are so very unique...

Tony LaRocca said...

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! Climb, little girl!

Heartful said...

she's climbing for the moon, I love it.

Anonymous said...

wondering if she is running from or to paradise.

Vhrsti said...

strange beautiful style. your works have unique atmosphere like in my dreams... thanks

Michelle Lana said...

how you've been hardwax? Sorry I missed out on a couple of visits....great work as usual! See ya later in July! I'll be on a blog break this June, will come back to visit though :) take care.

Anonymous said...

Agree, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I can't reach there for ummmm another SIX YEARS! Blah. Although, Bearman and I went out for the first time without kids last weekend for ummmm SIXTEEN YEARS - heaven! Again LOVE the enlargement of your painting :)

Anonymous said...

It was actually more like PARADISE than Heaven - heehee.