Thursday, November 29, 2007

the zoo


Anonymous said...

Brilliant creepiness!!! More of a zoo out here than in there! I mean our society as being 'out here', not the 'thing' that is looking out at us! Ooooh look ... is that me being reflected upon!?! Mwhahhahhaaa

Twisselman said...

Haunting, in a Twilight Zone kinda way. I like the light and dark contrast. Enlarging shows the alter-zoo-animals and their clown faces very well.

Kstyles said...

Wow!!! Awesome creativity. I guess that is how the poor animals see us when we're all gawking at the in a small caged space. Great work!

AndyDoodler said...

Beautifully poetic Miri! Says so much as always here. Awesome idea and rendering, so original.
Hope you had a great Turkey/Tofurkey day.

studio lolo said...

Miri, I could have sworn I left a long comment about this post. Wierd.
Okay...what I love about this is the animal's perspective. How dare we cage them and charge people money to gawk at them? I love how you show what the animals see. I also like the darkness of the animal compared to the reflections in it's eyes. Brilliant study. It's always such a pleasure to stop by!

steve said...

Ha ha, yes, really, how true, huh? This should have won pick of the week, though it was probably too "thought-provoking" or whatever for whoever chooses these things. A shame really. It's brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I just love, love, love this. I happened upon this site because I've recently left behind all my news/politics blogs---too much of a bummer! Ahhh, serendipity.

What a world, what a world.

Brine Blank said... did I miss this? It seems to bounce between looking at the reflection in the eyes to actually looking from the inside out...the color is perfect and how you've painted the animal's 'features'...stunning...super...