Wednesday, October 31, 2007

trick or treat


isay said...

that must be a treat for her. where is that located?

great shadows and it looks like she is floating but she is not.

i like this a lot!

Anonymous said...

She can only reflect on the 'treat'! So sad ... Your build up of composition with your colours astound me with this one ... really well done :)

Kstyles said...

This is wonderful. I love the water work!

AndyDoodler said...

Gifted- another stunning piece- the trees the figures the design, contrasts- beautiful- love the pattern of the leaves and (apples?) with the dark 'tree' as background - the top half's tone and design makes me think of early 20thC art. A few interpretations- but none light. Heavy, sad, moving. Don't feel again should try and go specific- but to just look. The yin yang of life and lack of answers to the 'why?' can be so frustrating- especially when confronted with the sad and dark side. I hate when someone tells me 'there's a reason for everything'- but not so much when I tell myself the same- and believe it- which I often do [believe it]. (Kinda like a leap or acceptance of blind faith and or meaning). I'm rambling.

soulbrush said...

this is amazing

Kimbu said...

Its always such a pleasure to look at your work. I must visit more often.


studio lolo said...

OMG Miri, how did I miss this? It looks, to me anyway, that the top figure is pregnant and her reflection has had the baby. This is stunning, to say the least. The colors are wonderful, and I love the pattern in the tree. I so, so love coming here to see your amazing work.

Anonymous said...

great reflection! I think yours is a very original take on the topic...

steve said...

Geez, I'm so behind. This is so sad Miri, yet I love the colors and piece. very very reflective, no pun intended. How large is this btw?

Twisselman said...

Your pieces always offer so much for the viewer to ponder... all the while being so visually stunning. Beautiful and evocative.

Michelle Lana said...

How you doing hardwax? Sorry haven't been posting for a while. great new work you have....hope all is well... take care. see you in IF soon!

Anonymous said...

lov the water reflection in this miri and its sybolizm. make you wonder if we dont trick ourselves into doing things more then we ought to rather then treating ourselves better.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

This is a great piece! Wonderful colors.

Anonymous said...

I'm WEIRDer!

Heartful said...

Wonderful, I love the colour of the water.

Brine Blank said...

Yet another "How did I miss this one...really nice...checking in to see where you are...if you are being kidnapped and locked in the trunk of a car knock twice!!!